Tuesday, January 31, 2012


This is the time Jimmy keeps waking up! Uggghhhh, doesn't he know that is too early?? On Saturday, I woke up to giggling. You know when you first wake up and you are not sure if you are dreaming or awake? Well, I was there and it took me a minute to realize that I was awake and those were my kids talking and giggling at 5:47. Jimmy had climbed into Skylar's bed and they were just having so much fun.... 'til momma bear went and laid the smack down and sent everyone back to bed! I have to remind myself, this too shall pass (I hope)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Big Boy!

About a month ago Jimmy started climbing out of his crib. With dread we took down the crib and converted it into a toddler bed. We braced ourselves all day for what the night would hold. We discussed who was going to stand guard at his door, we imagined sleepless nights forcing Jimmy to stay in his own room, we imagined a nightmare. So, the moment of truth went like this. "Jimmy, you are such a big boy. You get your own big boy bed. You need to stay in it all night! Give mommy and daddy a kiss. See you in the morning" (little chuckle to ourselves as we "knew" it would be a matter of seconds before we saw him again) And then...... nothing. No getting out of bed, no yelling for us, no crying. Nada. He just fell asleep and we woke him up in the morning. OMG who would have thought?? Certainly, not us. It has pretty much been like that every night since. He has been amazing. Every now and then, he will call for us to come back and give another "snuggle" but I can handle that. Love this boy!

Big Boy Part Two:
Jimmy is officially wearing big boy underwear! His teachers at school said he was really showing an interest and asked us to send him in a pull-up. After 2 days of staying dry all day, they suggested sending him in undies.. I was sure it would be a disaster! Turns out, he has only had one accident at school.. they said he is doing an awesome job of just deciding when to use the potty and going all on his own! Who knew, a boy potty training at 2 1/2 years? He is not being as successful at home but I believe that is all about trying his mommy and not his inability to use the potty. With this new skill came several other new skills. He now can pull his pants up and down on his own and he can sort of get his socks and shoes on by himself! I want time to slllloooowwwwww down please. I don't have any babies left.  

The moral: Despite being a very, VERY stubborn  strong willed child, he can be an easy child too and he continues to surprise and amaze me everyday!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Daddy jump me too high!

This is what Jimmy tells me every time he comes inside from jumping on the trampoline with Jim. He and Skylar BEG Jim to go outside and jump with them. Then they BEG Jim to jump as high as he can while they sit down and get bounced all around. So why then does he tell me daddy jumped (bounced) them too high? Well let's just put it this way. One time I was coming home from shopping and Jim waved to me while I was driving down the street because he was jumping higher than the top of the fence. Oh My.

They do have an awfully good daddy. He will go out there and jump with them for an hour!!! I know he really doesn't like to do it, it is just because the kids love it SO much. LOL.

Everyone is learning more skills too. A favorite is for them to count and then fall on their bottom and pop back to a standing position. I imagine one day I'll be watching them doing flips. Though I sure hope it is not for quite some time because I really, really don't want them to get hurt or worse. For now, everyone is happy to bounce, bounce, bounce!